We worked on the definition of a visual identity that encapsulated two fundamental concepts for the project: the centrality of people, both as trainers and as end users of the content, and the link with the tech and digital world.
We developed a very simple and symbolic illustrative style, starting from elementary shapes and then evolving them into a set of icons useful for communication materials.
The logo is the result of this reasoning, and sees three stylised figures composing the acronym SUM (seniors united against misinformation) alternating the color gray and blue. The result can be easily applied on both paper and digital materials, and has a good print yield even in black and white.
The visual identity that has been defined has therefore taken into account the reading needs of an elderly audience, using clear and readable fonts at all sizes, and with a basic palette that alternates black and white with gray and electric blue. The color palette is also a link to the technological universe.
The website developed has a clean and intuitive structure, only in English version for now, using illustrations to orient the user to the various sections.
All communication materials, from flyers to powerpoints for use during training sessions, have always favored pages that are not too dense with content, with attention to font size and the use of photos and videos only when necessary and of an appropriate size.